Snakeshead fritillary, Fritillaria meleagris, once in inhabited many of our low lying meadows, enjoying the damp, early spring conditions. Modern farming methods have led to the decline of this natural flowerscape. There is a small Cotswold village where each year they open their very own protected fritillary meadow to the public. It brims with delicate aubergine and sometimes white fritillary, as well as other meadow flowers including cowslips, dandelions and daisies.Uniquely the village hosts 'Fritillary Sunday', Every parishioner is given a handful of fritillary bulbs to plant in pots and nurture for the villages annual spring sale. Come the day villagers bring their plants by the trailer load and set set up plant stalls just outside the church yard and visitors throng to buy these beautiful, elegant plants. The church has stained glass windows in the design of the fritillary flower head, as well as embroidered church linens.
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:fritillaria, fritillary, meadow, meleagris, plant, sale., snakeshead
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